Activities and curriculum
We ensure your preschooler's development with a wide range of educational learning activities.

Our programming begins and ends with consideration of the individuality of each child
Our core curriculum considers all aspects of children’s learning and development. The indoor and outdoor preschool areas include cognitive, physical, social and emotional aspects.
The Early Childhood Curriculum Te - Whariki
The Early Childhood Curriculum Te - Whariki and supporting documents form the basis of our Christchurch preschool centres' programme planning, evaluation and assessments for children. It is based around each of their own individual strengths, knowledge, dispositions and interests. Systems are in place to regularly observe, assess and identify learning goals for individual children.
Our teaching philosophy
We believe in providing quality Early Childhood Education and care for families / whanau in the community at our Christchurch centres.
respecting, valuing and supporting each child as an individual.
providing a safe secure, nurturing, creative and challenging environment that builds on the child’s strengths, interests and meets their holistic needs.
fostering an atmosphere in which parents are supported in their role and feel confident, welcome and are able to contribute to the life of the Christchurch preschool centres.
teachers are professional, sensitive, responsive, committed practitioners who deliver a high-quality learning programme in a nurturing, caring environment.
providing a quality adult-to-child ratio that ensures all children have opportunities for positive, constructive individual interactions with teachers.
providing a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses the Principles, Strands, and Goals of Te - Whariki, the Early Childhood Curriculum.
all children are given the opportunity to develop a knowledge and understanding of their own culture and the cultural heritage of both partners of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Storytelling fosters lifelong literacy and communication skills, nurturing curious minds.
Our literacy program is seamlessly woven into our daily routines, and it mirrors the curriculum adopted by many primary schools. This approach involves the art of storytelling from memory, without relying on a book, which encourages storytellers to incorporate drama and actions to make the storytelling experience engaging and interactive.
Perceptual Motor Programme – development from the inside out.
Creating a dynamic ‘daily diet’ of movement-based curriculum for young bodies and growing minds builds a natural foundation for future academic success, emotional development, social engagement, and personal fulfilment.
Moving to learn
As young children move and explore, their brains process sensory input, creating new neural pathways and storing information for future use. In other words, movement grows the brain.
Development for life
Our goal is to enhance children's gross motor skills now, preparing them for sitting still, writing, and visual tracking. This way, they can focus on learning without the need to constantly balance and coordinate their bodies.
Supporting your child on your pathway to school (kura)
Our Discovery Extension Programme prepares your child for their educational journey. It encompasses classroom-based learning in the indoors, outdoors and wider community. It is inquiry-based, tamaiti (child) focused aimed to strengthen the foundation skills for lifelong learning and dispositions that build resourceful, resilient, curious, confident learners who take agency for their own learning.
Come on over to Annabel's
Contact us for a tour or to talk about your child and centre availability