Discover Annabel's
Avonhead Educare
Through centre-based learning, we ensure your child's educational, relationship, and creative development. We focus on their strengths in the present so they can succeed in the future.
About our space
At Annabel’s Educare in Avonhead, Christchurch, our preschool has been converted from a family home. This home-like preschool environment provides a warm and welcoming feel to all children and their whanau. With minimal fixtures, our preschool has options to be transformed into the educational and play spaces that will best encourage our children to thrive. One of our favourite features of our preschool is our outdoor verandas. Unlike other preschools in Christchurch that have to stay indoors during a rainy day, these verandas can be enclosed. That means we never have a reason not to be outside and can adapt to all weather conditions.
About our community
Avonhead preschool is the perfect place for children to form communication and relationship skills. Our pet guinea pigs, Genie and Smile, help teach our children the fundamentals of caring and compassion. Forming a relationship with these pets allows the students to gain a unique understanding of responsibility and fostering. This would not be taught inside a traditional classroom. Our children get to go on many excursions. One example is the Avonhead primary school and local retirement home. We have a close relationship with these two facilities in Christchurch. Interacting with people outside of their peers means they can develop strong interpersonal skills for life. We encourage caring relationships within our community. This way, our preschool students are able to further develop the confidence they need to take far into their futures.

Our centre's experiences
Annabel’s Avonhead preschool is a nurturing, creative, and educational preschool. We are focused on centre-based learning for your kindergartener. Our unique schoolhouse setting, play-based learning program, and supportive preschool staff and community set us apart from the rest in Avonhead. Annabel’s has been a trusted Avonhead preschool since 1998. We reach new heights in educating preschool-aged children each year, built on a foundation of Discovery/Exploration programme, Child's Initiated Interest Programmes, Focused Group Programmes, and Children's Individual Programmes based on the early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki and supporting documents.
With nature at our fingertips, the outdoor area of Annabel’s Avonhead backs onto mature trees. This natural setting not only provides shade for our children but exposes them to insights about the natural world. One example is the changing seasons. They wouldn’t gain this understanding by only sitting in a classroom. Additionally, our preschool learning centre supports healthy eating habits by providing cut fruit at morning and afternoon tea. Offering kai at these times encourages children to develop an understanding of when they are hungry. We also empower them by giving them the opportunity to complete what they are working on before they come to eat. We encourage growth, communication, and maturity through our experienced teachers, preschool education program, and tight-knit community in Avonhead, Christchurch.
Contact Annabel's
Come on over to Annabel's
Contact us for a tour or to talk about your child and centre availability